Sundar Pichai Announces $100 Million Google Career Certificates Fund To Help Youngster Get High Paying Job

Sundar Pichai Announces $100 Million Google Career Certificates Fund To Help Youngster Get High Paying Job

▫ Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, has established a new $100 million Google Career Certificates Fund to encourage youth and prepare them for high-paying, high-growth IT support and project management jobs.

▫ The goal of this ‘Social Finance’ initiative is to reach over 20,000 American workers. According to Pichai, this investment will result in $1 billion in pay increases.

▫ The new programme has been designed around student success, and they will receive all of this at no upfront cost. Moreover, they’ll only be asked to pay it back after they find a job earning at least $40,000 a year.
